29 November 2007

The pol who cried racism

Oh, joy.
In Cook County, board president Todd Stroger is trying to gain support to pass a big sales tax increase, along with increased taxes on other stuff, like bottled water, cigarettes, and I guess other stuff I'm unaware of because I haven't seen the whole proposal.
Background: Todd Stroger is the son of former Cook County board president John Stroger. Daddy Stroger had a bad stroke over 20 months ago, during primaries last year. His medical condition was hidden from the public to ensure he and his allies would win the democratic party primary for CCB president, therefore ensuring that whoever the democrat was in the general election was virtually guaranteed to be voted in.
Even in the general election, baby Stroger had a somewhat hard time getting elected. And this happened in one of the most democrat-leaning counties in the country.
In the meantime, he's promised no more business as usual, vowing to slash budgets, run a tighter ship, and so forth. This is hysterical coming from a guy who ascended to power via nepotism.
Now, one of Stroger's key supporters, Commissioner William Beavers, is complaining that this wouldn't be such a big deal if the people proposing the tax increase were white instead of black.
Gee, maybe the opposition is arising because (gasp!) folks don't want to pay more in taxes and some folks have actually impressed this upon their elected officials. Politicians, above all else, want to stay in office, and they know raising taxes is a good way to get their constituents mad at them.
I really don't like Beavers' comment because it does it makes folks more cynical. You want to cry racism? Fine. Watch me as I ignore other, perhaps legit, cries of racism that happen elsewhere. It shouldn't happen, but it does. I know every situation is different, and folks should be able to distinguish between a "cry wolf" statement and something that's legit.
Racism still exists. Beavers' statement is a disservice to those who genuinely want to reduce ignorance in this world. All Beavers is doing is making a last-gasp effort to try to pass his beloved tax increase.
I just hope he sticks around long enough to feel the backlash from his mistake.

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