26 March 2008

More on the jerks who disrupted Easter mass

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by the level of stupidity and dishonesty that comes across from these asswipes. Take a good look at the links that claim that bail was posted for all of these candidates. There's no independent verification from any of these, just posts by someone called "Holy Name 6."
Sure, that sounds really truthful. Still being unemployed, and having plenty of time between job searching and hoping someone actually calls me, I've checked the Tribune, the Sun Times, the AP and a few other well-known publications. Not a single one has yet stated for the record that any of the six accused posted bail.
Also take into account that the total combined bail for these folks was $160,000, and they needed to post at least 10% of that to temporarily free all six. I know that folks can take out loans, scramble for cash, borrow and such to get that money within a certain amount of time. But this was a pretty big story, and news organizations will trip over themselves to be the first to bring any update on a story to the public. Wouldn't the Trib post a small blurb on this?
Anyhoo, these clowns have written an op-ed piece calling for Cardinal George to forgive them and for the city to drop all charges against the six. I agree with the forgiveness, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't stand trial for what they've done. "Render unto Caeser...", and so on.
If you want to burst a vein in your forehead, please, continue reading what these nuts say.
Also, here's a response from me to their propaganda. I'm sure it'll get deleted, but I like to have fun at others' expense:
Please. The six suspects got exactly what was coming to them, and have more coming still.
You people claim you want peace through reason, yet you use violence to accomplish your means. Sure, no one died or was seriously injured, but you violated the worshippers' rights by doing what you did. You used terror to make your point. Disrupting the service was inherently violent. Spraying what at the time was an unknown substance on others at the church was inherently violent.
Perhaps I should be able to do the same thing to you. I know! I'll rub dog crap all over you in a symbolic gesture of showing the world that you're full of it.
But hey, you won't get hurt by it. By your logic, that makes it acceptable, right? Right?
Martyrs are people who died for worthwhile causes. If these six had died, they'd be up for a Darwin award.
But, you don't care about this anyway. All you'll do is keep believing your own propaganda, never bothering to see that things aren't always as black and white as you make them out to be.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Could you imagine what the reaction would have been if they had chosen to interrupt an Eid-Al Adha service? The world- the entire muslim world- would call for their heads. Fatwas all around.

So pick on the Catholics. Their leaders are assholes and their people don't fight back. A perfect target.

In SF, there is a group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Even they haven't had the temerity to interrupt Easter.

Which point was made- that the Catholic church tacitly supports war, or that six idiots can ruin people's days without teaching them anything beyond that they were jerks?