10 April 2008

Job search update, former colleagues and weird questions

I've applied for several help desk and Cisco-related jobs, but haven't heard anything about it. More recently, I heard about a contract job in Indianapolis doing essentially what I did in my last job. I applied for it, so hopefully I'll hear something in the not-so-distant future. I need money.
It turns out several of my former coworkers also applied for the job in Indy. I figure if we get the job, we should all pitch in for an apartment down there so we can live cheaply. This is provided we get the job, of course. Would be nice to work with some of the fellows again.
I also interviewed for a help desk job in Buffalo Grove. Turns out another candidate is a woman I used to work with. Put mildly, she was notorious for missing work by abusing FMLA time and being generally useless when she did show up. The recruiter I spoke to asked me if I knew her, and I'm pretty sure he could tell by my reaction that I didn't think highly of her. He pried a bit farther, trying to get me to tell him some more, but I said he really needed to talk to former managers about her. I tried to keep it as diplomatic as possible. Despite my desperation, I don't want to get a job by tearing down somebody else. Chances are, despite her lack of attendance, that she'll get the job over me. That's the bitterness talking, I suppose.
I've also applied for an ESL job in South Korea. Hopefully, I should hear something soon about that. If I get the job there, I can take it at about the same time my current apartment lease expires. All I'd need to do is put my stuff in storage, get a bit of training, and, well, live in South Korea for a bit. Money's money, and seeing as I'm doing nothing right now, I'll take about anything I can get.
Subject change: I've been in a bit of a relationship the last two years and change. In a recent conversation, the girl I've been seeing asked me if I used any illegal drugs. Aside from the fact that I don't, and told her as much early on in the deal, it would be pretty stupid for me to do them now, especially considering I'm looking for a job. The job may require a drug test before the official hire.
I asked what prompted this question now, and apparently, her friend was involved with someone who got into drugs and was treated badly.
I should also add that there's nothing in my apartment that would indicate I use anything stronger than ibuprofen.
So, I've been a bit ticked off about this question for the past few days. In my mind, it indicates a lack of trust. I treated her pretty well, and I really don't like getting asked something like this. "I don't want to be made a fool of," she claimed.
Subject change 2: I recently contacted an old high school buddy who lives in Memphis. I'd like to visit him sometime this month, seeing as I'm on an extended unpaid vacation and have the time. I think the time out of Chicago would do me good. Not like there's much going on here right now.

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