08 May 2008

New job

Got a call from Motorola yesterday. They offered me a job, and today I formally accepted.
The job's pretty close to the work I did previously, but there is still some monitoring of routers and switches involved. So, it's sorta Cisco-related type work, but not like being a network administrator. The job is monitoring and responding to alarms on government and police two-way radio networks. I interviewed pretty well, and shockingly, I expressed confidence in myself and said as much to the folks interviewing me.
Yay, confidence.
The hours suck: I'll work four nights a week, 9 pm to 7 am. I remember another job I worked nights, and it sucked changing my sleep schedule. Once again, I'll be low man on the totem pole.
But, it's a job, and it's a step up from my last job, which is really the most important thing.
Drawing a paycheck again will be nice.
I still have a couple of weeks before the job starts. I plan to travel a bit while I still have the time off, as I won't get vacation for at least a little bit after I start.
It's nice to know I'll have a job again and can stay local. I really like the Chicago area.


Lance said...

Hawt Diggity Dawg!

Congratulations! .. or as cute girls in Tokyo say, "oh-medi-toe go-zime-us"

This means you'll have a whole different set of things to rant and get angry about, right? We're all glad to hear that. ;)

The Chronek said...

I'd have new things to rant and be angry about regardless of whatever future employment I get. I'm grumpy like that.