12 June 2008

What Should Dan's New Car Be?

I believe in two conflicting statements: 1) you make your own luck (chance favors the prepared mind); 2) I have really bad luck.

I took my car in for an oil change. One week later, my brakes seize. I debate towing it to the dealer. I figure this is it, my car in it's death throes. I even start to research cars, preparing to finance for the new car.

I take it to a brake specialist, thinking "drop the bomb on me, it will be something like a pump that was only manufactured on Leap Day 2000 and will cost a few large to replace." The brake specialist tells me "uhh... actually, it looks like the vacuum line was yanked. Not broken, yanked."

My wife is pissed, and I'm somewhere between declaring war on this facility and writing a nasty letter.

In the meantime, I need to consider a new car. I can't have this heart attack every two months. Next major malfunction I gotta get a new car.

So... what do you think? A Prius? A hybrid Camry? Perhaps the "Hybrid" Escape? How about a Smart Car? Or something I'm not considering here? GM has not offered anything that catches my eye, the only thing I might come close to considering is a Buick Lacrosse.

Facts: I drive about 100 miles a day, this is unlikely to change for months, if not years. I do not require towing capacity, but may need to consider carrying more than 2 people in the next years. I (We) are also saving for a house, so nothing that's over the top. My trade in is worth virtually nothing. If non-sport electric vehicles were commercially available, I'd buy instantly; but the Prius is not the end-all-be-all to me.

I'd drive a Yugo or Pinto if it got 50 mpg. So... what say y'all?


The Chronek said...

I'm not inclined to go the hybrid route. You'd have to replace the battery pretty quickly with the amount you drive, and that's a sizeable chunk of change right there. Would the amount of money you save in gas be greater than the eventual cost of getting a new battery for the hybrid? Not sure, but from what little info I've heard, I don't think it's worth it.
I'd say go with either a Corolla or a Civic. Both get pretty good mileage and have a fair amount of space.
Or, if you wanna say screw it, buy a Hummer and run over a bunch of those rogue hippie biker jerks. I vote for that option.

Lance said...

You answered your own question when you said "I'd buy a Yugo if it got 50 mpg". Buy good mileage, period. I think that means Prius, the sedan version of which looks better than the original hatchback IMO. Also there are a lot of conversion kits for the Prius in case the Stuff hits the fan and plug-in hybrids become economically viable.

And you might want to check about the battery. The very first ones had a contract where the batteries were owned by the company.. probably different now, but worth to ask. Don't see how they can sell for mid $20k's if you own the battery too.