06 January 2008

Unemployment, certifications and settling

I'm now in my fourth month of unemployment. The boredom is bad enough, but then there's the scrambling to find another job, not hearing any offers, and wondering where my next check (once the unemployment runs dry) will come from.
As Dan mentioned, I've been studying for my Cisco certification. I completed a course, and twice scheduled taking the exam, only to panic and reschedule it. Hopefully, I'll pass it on the 17th.
I've done pretty well on some practice tests for the exam. Problem is, those tests were for a recently retired exam. By recently, I mean that Cisco was retiring the old test and implementing a new one right about the time I started my class.
Lucky me.
I really should spring for practice tests for the new exam. It'll cost me, but ultimately, I think it'll cost me more if I don't pass the test the first time.
Unemployment sure has given me a lot of time to wonder where the hell I went wrong. Don't get me wrong, I wondered that even when I had a job. That's a dangerous thing, though. At least while I was working, I had something I could do, even if it was deal with cranky field techs. I was part of an organization that maintained cellular network quality, and I think I did a pretty decent job of it.
I've seen what happens to folks when they lose their jobs and don't get another job quickly. It's a demeaning, degrading process that saps hope and energy. I've really felt the frustration more recently and done some second-guessing. I know, it doesn't change my circumstance, but there's times I can't help but wonder.
Ideally, I'd like to get a job either related to telecom or to IT once I get the CCNA certification. Thing is, I don't know what I'd do if I fail. To be honest, I don't really want to plan for failure. Failure sucks.
I'm at the point where I'd at least like to get the money I was making when I lost my job, but reality and the economy tell me there's a fair chance that won't happen, even with a shiny new certification. So, I guess I have to ask myself, what will I settle for?
I really don't want to "settle" for anything. I'd like to have my choice of good offers and pick the one I like best.
Somehow, I don't think that'll happen.
Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Lance said...

Yay, Bill! Yay, Bill! .. yaaaaaayyyYYY Bill!!

(from you cheerleader in Japan)