26 June 2008

Gun control, the second amendment and self defense

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Washington, D.C. ban on handgun ownership.
About time.
Shortly after the decision, guns right groups filed suit against Chicago and San Francisco in an effort to overturn similar bans in those cities.
I hope those bans will be overturned in relatively short order.
My thought on the bans is that they really only benefit either criminals or those who would take more and more power away from people. Honestly, a government should be scared of a populace that's armed. Good. Let them be scared. Maybe that'll motivate those with power to use it responsibly.
Other thoughts: criminals by their very nature don't follow laws, so if they want to find anything illegally, they'll do so. A handgun ban doesn't benefit someone who's unable to defend himself against someone who's armed.
I'm sure there are many studies that can point out how gun violence was allegedly curbed by legislation. That said, gun violence in Chicago has gone up in recent years, and of course the city has banned handguns.
There are other reasons at work for increased violence, including the economy. Imagine that, folks being driven to commit crime when there isn't much money around.
It's a good day for personal liberty. Yay guns.

1 comment:

Lance said...

So "Chronic", I hope you're also for legalizing other controlled substances...

;) ..or as wink smilies are done in Japan (^_-)