04 April 2009

Bill Ayers speeches cancelled in Naperville

Current UIC professor and former Weather Underground lowlife Bill Ayers recently had speeches cancelled in Naperville, Illinois. One speech was scheduled at a book store, the other at a high school. Linkage is available through your favorite search engine.
Ayers, as some may recall, was the subject of some controversy when Barack Obama was running for president. Critics claimed Obama's association with Ayers showed a tacit endorsement for the tactics Ayers used while he was in the Weather Underground.
Once some high school parents got word that Ayers was scheduled to speak there, they protested quite loudly to school administrators.
Some free speech advocates say what a shame it is that administrators caved to the parents.
Is it?
I call it a victory for common sense.
I think folks generally try to do what they feel is right. I think they try to raise their children the same way. I think parents want to show their children folks they believe to be good role models, folks who succeed by doing the right thing.
Imagine their horror at bringing in someone who broke the law and whose group committed murder. Imagine their disgust at seeing this person succeed. Imagine their disgust at seeing how truly unrepentant this person, and I use the term loosely, is.
Would you really want your child to hear what this person has to say?
Heh. Defeat for free speech. What about the free, protected speech of the parents of the school district? Isn't their speech just as important as Ayers?
I call this a victory for the protected speech of those who protested Ayers' appearance.
There are those that will argue, well, wouldn't it be good for the students to hear what Ayers has to say and question him? That's a fair point. Some might question him. Some might support him.
That said, as long as these kids are living with their parents, they have to live by their parents' rules.
Personally, I'd like to see more communities stand up to Ayers.

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