07 November 2007

What am I Going To Write About?

I have been asked by several people who read my writings, rantings, and other styles of written communication to endeavor in this mythical, aetherial ‘new poetry’ form of the scribed word, and start a “blog.”
Okay, that took a lot of energy. I hate writing like that. If I wrote like that, someone would imagine that I’d speak like that, and I’d rather be hit in the face with a cinderblock.
That aside, I’m finally gathering up the steam to write to a blog, and perhaps ask a few people I know to be talented but otherwise normal proletarian workers to also write. But about what should I write? What subjects are people interested in reading what I have to write looking to read from me? The sheer volume of subjects I could write about is kind of overwhelming, to be perfectly honest. Not that I am a savant or a repository of extreme knowledge, far from it- it’s more accurate to say I can cover any subject through the use of minutae and trivial details to the point where even I can sound like I know something about anything.
So then, I’ll write a little about me before I start writing in earnest. I’m a scientist, having a Master’s degree in chemistry. I work in the pharmaceutical field as a quality test engineer, which means I write tests day in and out. I am an avid gamer, and by gamer I refer to the video-type, role-playing type, and the board type. I occasionally draw and paint at which I am mediocre. I love to travel, and most of you know my writing from my travel blogs. I run fantasy football leagues in which I tend to skewer my opponents on the message board before losing the actual games. Politically, I think of myself as right-leaning, but the tests keep coming up with me being dead-center, both economically and socially.
I’ll throw out some initial position statements here, to see if it piques your interest: I don’t believe in Global Warming, and further posit that Al Gore is the High Priest of that secular religion; the science of pure chemistry is nearly tapped out and will be approaching the level of physics sooner rather than later; even if the U.S. is highly self-absorbed, it doesn’t always mean that the U.S. is always wrong; secular humanists are rude and are victims of their own brash style, failing to convince those they intend to persuade; speaking of religion, as long as humans believe the end of the world will occur in December of 2012 there will be a place for every form of religion; the entitlement mentality is the largest killer of American society; what happens in your bedroom or bathroom I do not wish to know, nor do I care, about- so stop pushing it in my face.
Maybe those were too political. Let me try some more: Nanotechnology was the latest, greatest fear factor in science but now is so last year; solar technology should be so prevalent in the U.S. that it should be an afterthought; green algae could save humanity as a gas scrubber; we need new massive civic projects to protect society from impending fresh water source depletion; there is likely life on other planets, but we’ll not meet them in our life times.
Or perhaps I’ll write about something that I’ve been mulling about for the last week. Hopefully, it will be interesting enough to spark debate, even if that debate is as simple as “I disagree and hope you choke on your own filth, slime.” Remember, I am technically insane and am equal opportunity- I hate all people, races, creeds, genders, and beliefs equally with extreme prejudice. I suppose I’ll post, oh, Monday nights or something.

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