11 July 2008

The bunny chronicles: Special Extreme Fatigued Def Haiku Jam edition

3 a.m., bunny
chews on cage bars, wants to play.
Who wants rabbit stew?

Furry little beast
Seems to make noise all the time.
Does it ever sleep?

Tried to bribe the thing
With some yummy bunny treats.
Turned its nose right up.

3:30 a.m.;
Bunny's water bottle comes
crashing to the floor.

Such a cute small face.
Whoda thunk this rotten beast
Could look innocent?

I just let it out.
Happily it hops along,
hoping to destroy.

Get back from those wires!
I really mean it, bunny!
Don't you chew that up!

Still shaking the treats.
Hoping, though quite pointlessly
that the beast will stop.

Finally, she sleeps.
Time to nod off, I pray that
she won't wake me up.

1 comment:

Lance said...

This haiku written with mental background music of Elmer Fudd singing a certain Wagner tune

A new summer pet!
But no love, no affection.
..results in dinner.