29 January 2009

Macabre Story Endings

Someone was once explaining to me that there was a guy who would present a group of writers with a story climax and give them two pages to write the denouement. Thing was, the ending didn't have to be -explicitly- gruesome, it just couldn't end well. You didn't really have a developed, well, anything (plot, character, enviroment), it would just be a statement like "You decide to open the left door."

I think I'm going to try that. My next post will be the story ending for "You decide to open the left door."

26 January 2009

Dentistry Episode III: The Phantom Appeal

Got yet another mail from my former dental insurance provider. This one states they received my appeal for a denial of claim payment for services in Auguest 2007.
Problem is, I never filed an appeal.
So, this means my former dentist has failed to file paperwork, and is now attempting to cover their asses by posing as me. Nevermind the whole false claim that they filed from August of 2008, for an appointment that I never had with that office.
I've given up being mad about this and decided to just be entertained by this place's continued bungling and stupidity. Do they think that I won't get notified by the insurance company? Really? All this for less than $200? For something that should have been taken care of if the office was even remotely competent? Really?
I have to shake my head and laugh.
For a relatively small amount of money, this office has guaranteed that not only will I never do business with them again, but that I will recommend any and everyone I know to avoid them. Further, they've made me want to toy with them. Insurance fraud can be a big deal, and I'm sure they don't want to deal with an investigation into this.
Yep. Come normal business hours, the plan is to contact the insurance company and find out about all interactions between them and my dentist, procuring paperwork along the way.
Let's see if the dentist's capable staff asks me for help out of this one.

21 January 2009

Inauguration Thoughts From D.C.

*Why did they keep saying that it's a celebration of "peaceful transition?" Would not saying it mean that -chaos- would engage the country? Or is it, more to what I expect, a subtle Orwellian gesture of "the gov't really has you by the short and hairies?" "Peaceful because dissent is silenced?"

*Seriously, WTF with the poem. Maya Angelou's trainwreck, now whatever this idiot blathered?

*Perlman, Ma, etc. Great performance, horrible arrangement, utterly lost on the crowd of sheeple.

*Let's see if Obama can CHANGE the performance perception of modern Illinois politicians.

*How long will it be before Mr. President will be called an Uncle Tom by the black community?

*To Micheal Nudow (or whatever, I don't care enough to look up your name): Cram it, loser!

I have a new boss now!

13 January 2009

Respecting the dead, traffic laws, and human decency

Sounds like some people are eager to join those honored during funeral processions.
I'd like you to read the story on this, then read some of the comments, especially from those who think funeral procession law needs to be changed. The story itself is incomplete; there could be other reasons for the accident. It's some of the comments that repulse me. It's symptomatic of the self-entitled, self-absorbed culture that what passes for humanity has seemingly become.
If you get through these comments without wanting to beat the hell out of some commentators, I commend you. You're a far more patient, forgiving person than I.
I'm guessing my vast audience of the two fellow authors and a few others have been in at least a few funeral processions. It sucks. You're grieving. You're paying respects to someone you love. You're there to lend support to those who may need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to.
You shouldn't have to deal with some jerk who wants to cut you off because they really need that skim latte with an extra shot and they're running late for work. There's a reason laws for funeral processions exist. Sure, you can wear a tinfoil hat and say it's a funeral home owner conspiracy. Then again, you'd be the sort of person to interrupt a funeral procession.
Honestly, respect the dead, respect funeral processions, and respect those who grieve. If you have no human decency, try to fake it. You'll join the deceased soon enough. We all will.

12 January 2009

Too Many Things to Do in Free Time

I've not been posting very much because, well, I've now got too many "hobbies."

The one occupying my time the most has been painting. Well, trying to reduce the backlog of primed, not painted miniatures. Seems like a never ending quest.

Then there's video games, another love of mine. Fallout 3 waits, patiently, in my 360. So does Penny Arcade: The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Part 2.

Netflix? Logjam. Three movies that I watched while cleaning/priming minis and cleaning the apartment, all on Saturday. Which means...

TiVo? All the backlogged shows. No time to watch. Leverage, etc. Burn Notice and House haven't started yet. No time for anything else.

Facebook... yeah. Some people I know are really, REALLY into it, meaning they pound my inbox with request after request. I log on, handle as many requests as I can stomach, and log off.

Blogging. Well, I'd like to, except with all of those things on the brain, it's hard to keep "things to do" straight. And the last thing I want to do is structure my free time. It then is no longer free, and defeats the entire purpose of having it.

I'm going to start an online class soon, and if I don't get my ducks in a row you may not hear from me for months.

10 January 2009

Dentist bookkeeping incompetence: the sequel!

This afternoon, I received some mail from my former dental insurance company. The notice advised me that they denied a claim made by my old dentist's office. They explained, quite reasonably, that they couldn't pay for services rendered after my coverage had lapsed.
Then, I saw something cute. And by cute, I mean fraudulent.
Turns out the office claimed I had last visited them for service on 8/21/08. The only problem is, I last visited them exactly one year prior to the date listed on the insurance notice. Haven't been back since.
Remember, I had an extended conversation with this office a couple weeks ago. They essentially told me I had to do their work and cover for their inability to file paperwork in a timely fashion. And the bill that they sent me was for services rendered on 8/21/07.
So it seems to me they're trying to pull a fast one, lying to the insurance company because they failed to file proper paperwork in the first place. I seriously doubt the office secretary accidentally got the date wrong, especially when I pointed out that my last visit was in '07, when I was still covered by this insurance.
One way or another, I expect this bill to be wiped out and receive written notification of it. If the dentist is really looking to get his money, perhaps he could dock $200 pay from his incompetent bookkeeper. After all, she's the one who cost him the money in the first place.
Fun times.