10 January 2009

Dentist bookkeeping incompetence: the sequel!

This afternoon, I received some mail from my former dental insurance company. The notice advised me that they denied a claim made by my old dentist's office. They explained, quite reasonably, that they couldn't pay for services rendered after my coverage had lapsed.
Then, I saw something cute. And by cute, I mean fraudulent.
Turns out the office claimed I had last visited them for service on 8/21/08. The only problem is, I last visited them exactly one year prior to the date listed on the insurance notice. Haven't been back since.
Remember, I had an extended conversation with this office a couple weeks ago. They essentially told me I had to do their work and cover for their inability to file paperwork in a timely fashion. And the bill that they sent me was for services rendered on 8/21/07.
So it seems to me they're trying to pull a fast one, lying to the insurance company because they failed to file proper paperwork in the first place. I seriously doubt the office secretary accidentally got the date wrong, especially when I pointed out that my last visit was in '07, when I was still covered by this insurance.
One way or another, I expect this bill to be wiped out and receive written notification of it. If the dentist is really looking to get his money, perhaps he could dock $200 pay from his incompetent bookkeeper. After all, she's the one who cost him the money in the first place.
Fun times.

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