18 April 2008

Cold migration, boredom, and interviews

I'm now in my third day of being sick. Not sure what exactly I caught, but I'm guessing it's the cold or flu, probably just a cold.
There's normally a set order for how the symptoms move through me, and this time around, the symptoms decided to be all chaotic and stuff, appearing out of the order I normally expect. The order I normally expect is sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, horrible cough, cough loosens up, then cold is over.
Wednesday, it was the cough. It was bad enough to wake me up pretty continuously from Wednesday night into Thursday morning, despite liberal doses of cough syrup, Vaporub and ibuprofen. It got to the point that my throat was really sore from all the coughing.
Yesterday, it was a mixture of coughing and sneezing, changing mostly to sneezing by day's end. I still coughed some, but not nearly as much or as painfully as I did on Wednesday.
Today has consisted mostly of the runny/stuffy nose. Still coughing a bit, but that's down compared to yesterday and Wednesday. Now, it's moved up behind my eyes. I'm scared if I sneeze, snot'll ooze out of my eyes.
Stupid cold.
So, with this cold, basically I've been staying in a whole lot the past few days. I was supposed to go to an open house for some recruiting business yesterday, but the body told me I'd explode in a giant snot bubble if I did. So, I stayed here and let the snot ooze out slowly. Besides, the job wasn't exactly on my ideal career path.
Hooray for being stocked up on kleenex and vitamin C.
I did make a brief trip to the store yesterday to pick up ginger ale and fudgesicles. I've been drinking lots of ginger ale since the cold started. As I did not want to be without my ginger ale, I bought some more.
This led to a cough-sneezefest when I got home. I was warned about the snot bubble.
Today, I got a call from a company in Schaumburg. They're looking for someone to do help desk work, but it means working weekends and also working midnights. Fine by me, as I got nothin' now. I just hope I don't explode in a snot bubble during the interview next Tuesday.
Excuse me while I blow my nose for the hundredth time today.

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