23 November 2008

You Can Never Go Home Again

I'm back. And I'm pissed.

Subject I will be touching on in future posts will include:
The incompetance of AT&T
The subtle trade of family guilt
The mechanics of government employment
Stock Markets

But for now, I am back.

I didn't get to vote this year. I didn't get to vote, not that my vote would have mattered because I would have been voting in California, so it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that Obama (my future boss) was going to get all of those electoral votes sewed up. The only reason I have to vote is to vote judges out of office and on ballot initiatives. The rest of the system is gerrymandered in California, regardless of what they tell you. But the narrow passage of Prop 11 may change that. It will be interesting to watch. From far, far away.

I moved back to my other set of roots, back to the DC area. It's not changed much beyond the usual urban sprawl. I found it funny when someone said "do you know that over a million people live in your county?" No, but why should that matter? Oh well, there is a different perspective on everything, I guess.

It's good to be back online, even if I will have to get back in the groove.

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