02 March 2008

Cycling, cynicism and responsibility

About a week ago, a 29-year-old man died while participating in an unsanctioned, illegal bike race through Chicago. He ran a red light, and some poor guy in an SUV (who had right of way, incidentally) drove into him. You can check the story online at www.chicagotribune.com, or just use a search engine. For some reason, I'm having link problems.
Police didn't charge the SUV driver with anything.
You know, I really can't feel bad about the guy who died. Sure, call me cold and heartless, but the guy was participating in an illegal race and, by the way, ran a red light.
Rules of the road apply to everybody. That's one of the things that infuriates me about this area. Folks familiar with Chicago, especially the yuppie/Lincoln Park aspect of it, will know about the sense of entitlement that so many people seem to have around here. From motorists who cut you off to bikers who swerve between cars to pedestrians who just walk into the middle of the street and expect you to stop for them, it's a recipe for disaster.
I've read some of the online posts about the accident, and am amazed at the level of arrogance and contempt shown by some folks, whether they were motorists or cyclists. No wonder there's so much crap on the road when so many people have an "us against them" mentality.
It seems the race organizers still plan on running more legs in the Tour Da Chicago. I'm not normally a fan of the lawsuit, but I'd really like to see these jerks get fined, put on trial, and sued by the driver of the SUV. They're encouraging a race that's illegal, and through its "competitive spirit," further encourages bikers to deliberately break the law in order to win. This group didn't just their own lives at risk, they put the lives of motorists and pedestrians at risk, just to satisfy their need for an adrenalin rush.
The one person I feel for in this whole thing is the SUV driver. He has to live with the burden of taking a life, even though he wasn't at fault. I hope he's able to get through this.

::edit:: By the sound of it, Chicago police are not going to press charges against the race organizers. One of the few times I want them to bloody someone up, and they just can't. Pity.

::second edit:: I'm gonna crusade to get this guy nominated for a Darwin award. He's worth it.

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