04 March 2008

A sad day for gamers


Not in the article:

Fortunately, once the ritual is complete he will return as a lich with his soul being kept in an enchanted Ball glass jar. His realm, not surprisingly, will blight the life out of Lake Geneva- not that anyone would notice........


He didn't really die, he just got trapped in the Astral Plane.


He failed his System Shock check (1st ed) / fortitude save (3rd ed).

However you slice it, whether you thought he was a genius or not, a very creative man that started the ball rolling for hundreds of thousands of people to enjoy cheap beer, cheap pizza, rolling non-traditional trinket-like dice, and explore a creative side that the monotony of every day life tries to beat out of you has passed, and now can take his place in legend.

The game passed him by, but without him the game would not have existed.


The Chronek said...

Gygax was a good sort, very down to earth. At Gencon last year, there was a huge line to try to see him just about anywhere he went. He'd share a beer with complete strangers and talk about games with them.
RIP, Gary. Your creativity and friendliness will be missed.

Lance said...

Never got a chance to meet him, but he sounds like a really nice guy. Seems a good question to think about is what would be a fitting memorial; what would he have found honoring? .. a Jim Morrison in Paris-like solemn shrine for us uber-geeks, or perhaps a gaming-related scholarship.. or gaming-related prize of some sort.. ?