25 November 2008

Subtlety isn't my strong point....

My manager had a discussion with me today about a dustup last week.
There was a work meeting at 7 a.m. last Wednesday, which is when I'm normally pulling a 23 skidoo. Mostly night shift folks attended, but there were a few day shift people there. One of those people is perhaps the most useless sack of skin I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with in my entire life.
Those who know me even remotely know I have little tolerance for incompetence, stupidity and laziness at work. I empathize with taking a while to get the hang of a job. It takes time. But there has to be some effort made by people to get it.
I used to work with this person in my old job, network montioring at AT&T. She only got that job because she complained to the union that her seniority demanded she get hired. Nevermind she had no idea what the job involved or that she had zero desire to learn it. That's right. Her 20 years with the company meant she deserved the job.
After we got collectively canned last year, she decided, several months after I did, that taking Cisco classes was the route for her to go.
There's $3,000 vouchers available to unemployed folks to assist with job retraining to get back into the workforce. That's how I was able to take the classes.
To get this voucher, you had to take a basic test. And by basic, I mean staggeringly easy. I mean, middle school math at the hardest, and perhaps some simple reading comprehension. You have to pass this test to get the voucher.
She failed. Twice.
Yet she was still given the voucher.
And she used it to take Cisco classes.
Because, you know, how hard can configuring a router be when you can't even do basic math?
So, as it turns out, she also applied for the same job I have currently. I interviewed well after she did, but was offered the position very shortly after I interviewed. When she discovered I was about to be hired, she wasn't pleased. More accurately, she kept pestering one of my colleagues via text message and cell phone call wanting to know why I had been hired when she hadn't yet received a response.
She's nuts.
She's the sort of person where you become dumber just by being in a 10-foot radius of her.
So, you can imagine my reaction when this....thing....sat down next to me at last week's meeting. I stood up and tried to just stay by the door, but this thing decided to do a guilt trip. "Oh, he doesn't want to sit next to me."
"Not particularly," I answered.
Apparently, management is using this occasion to make a mountain out of a molehill. This is a big deal if I want to stand away from stupid, psychotic people instead of being a team player.
So, when my manager brought this to my attention, I basically said the company made a mistake in hiring this person. That she's judged by a much lower standard than folks who actually want to do their jobs. That that's management's problem for hiring her.
But I have to be more diplomatic. I shouldn't display such open contempt for somebody, no matter how worthy they are of that contempt.
I know, everyone has to do stuff at work that they don't want to do. That's why it's work.
But the title of this blog involves rants, so I'm ranting. So freaking there.
Anyhoo, my manager asked me how I'd handle myself with this in the future.
"I'll be more subtle in my insults," I answered, to her wonderful smiling face.


Dan said...

Those who know me even remotely know I have little tolerance for incompetence, stupidity and laziness at work.

And that, dear readers, explains the utter self loathing that is the Hronek.

You should get rid of the mirror in your cubicle...

(aren't you glad to have me back?)

The Chronek said...
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The Chronek said...

I'll leave you with a number, oh Dan. That number is 173406926.