01 December 2008

How to lose lots of voter support quickly

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin announced today that he would in fact ask outgoing President George Bush to commute disgraced former Governor George Ryan's sentence to time served.
This should disgust anyone with any semblance of a sense of justice. It should even further disgust the people who just voted Durbin in for another 6-year term just a few weeks ago.
Sheesh. The really pathetic thing about this is, if Durbin does run again in 6 years, this will be forgotten about. Or, if he decides to step down, I'm sure whoever his handpicked successor is will be elected.
It's just business as usual in Illinois. Unreal.
It's become beyond pathetic. In just the last few years, Todd Stroger inherited his dad's position as Cook County board president. Dan Lipinski inherited his father's 3rd district congressional seat. Emil Jones, the outgoing president of the Illinois state senate, timed his departure to conveniently allow his son, Jones the third, to take his place.
And yet, the voters continue to tolerate this.
Have I mentioned how disgusted I am with this?
There's a saying about how voters get the government we deserve. By continuing to elect these cretins, Illinois voters have reaped exactly what they deserved.

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