23 December 2008

Why Metallica no longer deserves my money

Believe it or not, there are times that Dan raises legitimate points about things. A tale of a blind squirrel finding the occasional nut comes to mind. Having seen his comment about my Metallica dislike, I figured I should point out why they get no more money from me.
Yes, the Napster episode is a big reason. Initially, I believed in their point of view, that they reserve the right to profit from their own materials. They wrote and performed the stuff after all. However, Metallica's rise to popularity came about largely from a heavy bootlegging culture. In their very early days, the band heavily encourage tape swapping. In my opinion, Napster was a lot like that when Metallica basically shut it down.
Metallica made their living from being counter-culture, anti-authority, anti-mainstream. So, for them to swoop in like vultures in the whole Napster fiasco made them look more than a bit like hypocrites. Bands sell image along with their music and whatever message that music has. So, when you're playing along with the government to clamp down on something you once endorsed, that makes you lose some fans. You've ruined the image that helped you sell so many records.
And before anyone says anything about reserving the right of an artist to make a profit, I say if you really believed that, then you'd go out and buy legit copies of every single song you've ever copied from anywhere. So, how many MP3's do you have from albums you've conveniently borrowed from someone?
Even more important to my reasoning is the quality, or lack thereof, in the band's more recent output. I ran out and bought St. Anger like a good little fanboy when it was released. I've farted better music than anything that appeared on the album. I tried listening to it, really. I gave it a few listens. I haven't been able to make myself listen to it in over five years. Between the tin can drum sound, Hetfield's melodramatic wailing and the lack of anything resembling anything good, I'd have to say it's the single worst album that I own.
I tried to listen to the most recent stuff. Some of it sounded halfway decent. It was a bit like a waking dream, when you're talking to a long-dead loved one. The voice sounds familiar, and you even think they've come back. Then you wake up, realizing it was all just a dream. The Unforgiven was a good tune. Unforgiven 2? Uh, I guess. Unforgiven 3? That's a rehash I just don't need to deal with.
That's about it. The band has betrayed their fan base, and they can't make any more good music. That's why they don't get my money anymore.

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