29 August 2008

Holy Name protesters discover their uninteresting fate

All six of the protesters were fined $2,600 and sentenced to one year probation plus 30 days community service.
Part of me wishes that these jokers got some actual jail time for their offense, but there's another part of me that's smugly glad.
These self-righteous know-all protesters actually seek some sort of martyrdom for their cause, whether they actually want to stop injustice or just wreak havoc as these jerks did. Jail time would have been a sort of martyrdom for them. Then, their few friends could say, "Oh, look how the big bad government and the big bad church have made our brothers suffer. We can't stand for this!"
Instead, five of the six protesters had to beg for extra time to pay off their fines. Hope you saved up all that money from your summer jobs and your pathetic theater gigs, kids. Wait! You didn't, and had to beg the system you despise so very much for more time.
You know what else is great? That you came off like weak-willed weasels when all your pathetic backers kept demanding mercy from the church and the government. So, let me get this straight. These hacks were willing to go wreak havoc but were not willing to pay a price?
Some martyrs they are. Maybe they should have gone the Thích Quảng Đức route. That'll show 'em.
Good luck with your community service, kids. Hope no one throws anything at ya while you're picking trash off the Eisenhower.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Don't forget that being on probation means you actually have to go to your meetings and, in Illinois, pass random drug tests. They probably won't have this problem, but it isn't as straightforward as it might suggest. If you root for their continued downfall, hope that they somehow mess up in the next year.